Knee pain can be relieved through reasonable rest and exercise, wearing knee pads when going out, local hot and cold compresses, weight control, and drug treatment. Knee pain refers to pain in the knee joint, which is the largest joint in the human body and bears most of the weight of the body. It is susceptible to trauma and causes pain. Timely and effective measures must be taken to prevent knee joint swelling, limited movement, paralysis and other consequences.
1. Reasonable rest and exercise
In the acute stage of knee pain, rest is the main thing, and long periods of immobility need to be avoided. Less activity can cause muscle weakness, which is not conducive to joint and bone protection. After the acute stage, you need to exercise as appropriate, and choose walking, swimming and other exercises that are not likely to harm the knee joint.
2. Wear knee pads
Cold stimulation of the knees can induce inflammation, leading to knee swelling and pain or limited joint movement. Knee pads can be worn to keep warm, reduce the invasion of cold moisture, and relieve pain.
3. Hot and cold compresses
If the knee joint is injured due to trauma and induces pain, cold compress is required within 24-48 hours to promote capillary contraction and reduce swelling and pain. Hot compress can be applied after 72 hours to speed up local blood circulation, relieve muscle tension, and promote inflammation and absorption.
4. Control weight
The knees bear most of the weight of the human body. Being overweight will increase the burden on the knee joints and cause knee pain. Therefore, controlling the weight can alleviate the symptoms.